Saturday, September 24, 2016

Second Week 9/24/16

September 24th, 2016

So I have learned a few things from this week's lessons, but I feel Tom Kelly's video about experiments hit me the most. In it he talked about how successful people don't get things right on the first try. It is after tons of experiments that they find something that is worth selling. One of my favorite parts is when Kelly talked about Thomas Edison and how he failed over 10,000 times trying to get the right filament for the light bulb, but Edison didn't consider it failing, he figured that he found 10,000 ways it didn't work. I need to change my outlook on everything to that of Edison because I am by far not that optimistic. I'm sure I would be happier in my life if I looked at everything that way. Anyway, Kelly also said that since we were children, our moms have taught us to follow thing through and finish thing. So if we see a three hundred page book we may skip over it. We don't realize that we can just read the first ten pages and if we don't like it, put it back but if we do, keep going. We goes on to compare that to other things in life but I never thought about it that way so I'm glad I got to hear that. We also listened to Randy Pausch's last lecture. He accomplished many things in his life time and I believe he did this by actually putting forth the effort that others would not to accomplish his childhood dreams. He said there is a brick wall separating us from our dreams and it's there so people who want to achieve them can figure out a way over but it stops those who aren't as dedicated from getting in. I feel dreaming is important because if you don't have something you want to do, then you will just follow the crowd and end up doing something that makes you bitter. One of my childhood dreams is to open up a restaurant and I do feel it is possible to do it if I work hard enough so I am earning my bachelor's degree in business management so I can someday achieve that.

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