Sunday, October 30, 2016

Post 8 10/30/16

October 30, 2016

This week we learned that you should never give up, or at least that's what I got out of it. Well that was one of the main things I got out of it I should say with Elder Hollands talk, "Good Things to Come". In that he said to never give up. Another big thing that was talk about were "The Whys" in a eCorner video. He talked about how we don't except or realized, is for every mechanical error, there is a human error behind it. You use the whys to trace back to the problem and see where it originated from. His example is was a site shut down because an employ input the wrong code, because he didn't have training, because the manager didn't believe in training. The manager was the why in the situation. This is where the problem originally came from so fixing that problem and making him train people would be a solution to that future problem. You could use this method for a lot of things in life if you just go back far enough. It is good to know this so if I do start a business, I can use this for it, or just in other aspects of my life.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Week 7 Buisness 10/29/16

October 29, 2016

This week has been a good one, learned new stuff, I was reminded old stuff. This week I learned about the seven habits of learning. I'll get straight to the point. The seven steps were; 1st: Be Proactive, 2nd: Begin with the end in mind, 3rd: First things First, 4th: Think win-win, 5th: First seek to understand, then to be understood, 6th: Create Synergy, then 7th: Sharpen the Saw. He then said that when you complete steps 4-6, you will have achieved public victory and be successful amongst the people, but to do that you first have to complete the first three. Of these steps, the one that I like the most, or at least how he described it is step six, create Synergy. He described synergy as, when one plus one equals greater than two. I thought that was a pretty good way of describing it because I have always know what synergy is, I should could never describe it to somebody until now. Another cool thing said in this was, "Television is a good servant, but a poor master." I never look at it this way but I think it is a great way to view it. I just think that was pretty cool that it was said.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Post Six 10/16/16

October 16, 2016

This week was a lot shorter than the rest but I'm not complaining. The eCorner video this week was Steve Blank talking about having a family and being an entrepreneur. He said that if you are single and want to do start ups, stay single. I feel as if that is a smart decision. Another thing he said is that we should set boundaries between work and family. He said how they have planned schedules so he gets family time while running a business. He works in the morning and then gets home for dinner by 7:00 pm every night. He then tucks his kids into bed and then works another five hours before he goes to sleep. On Saturday, his kids come to the office for half the day and then the rest of the day is theirs. I feel like it is balance between work and family that make or break the family. If you put too much time into work, then you will neglect your family and most likely lose them. If you put too much time into family, your business may fail. It is the right balance that keeps your life on track.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Post Five 10/15/16

October 15, 2016

This week has been yet another eventful week of learning. One of the things we read was about a women named Erica Mills. She started a company that sold warm fuzz cards. She didn't know too much about the whole industry and there were people much bigger than her such as Hallmark, but it didn't stop her from trying. This taught me that you don't need to know everything about an industry if you want to be part of it. That is what always scared me and made me not want to start a business but now I realize that you don't need to know everything, it is a learning experience. We also watched this one video about the hero's journey. In it, the thing that stuck out the most to me was he said something about setting limits. Lines we would never cross to succeed and then write a letter to ourselves that we can read if we ever think about crossing it. In the eCorner video this week, the man talked about if we go into the business to become a billionaire, you shouldn't because it only works that way 0.006% of the time. The only reason you should start a business is if you enjoy doing it. I thought that this week had a bunch of cool messages and I hope I can receive as many next week.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Fourth Entry 10/8/16

October 8, 2016
Another week of business has gone by and I am still loving it. This week's eCorner video had Tom Kelley talking about Jim Collins' Venn diagram. There are three circles, one says, "good at" the next says, "born to do" and the last says "pay you to do." You one needs to find a balance between all of these things to find a job that they can live off of but enjoy doing it everyday. Around the Venn Diagram is a box that says "who." Who will you work for or work with? You need to be with people you can stand. You don't want to have your dream job, but be surrounded by people you want to punch in the face. I thought that this was pretty cool. Another thing we did this week was writing a book report on the book "The Ministry of Business." Writing it, it brought me back to chapter four and the author says something that I really like. It reads, "For hope without a plan is much like an airplane without an engine: it may look really nice, but until it's airborne, it's not really achieving the true purpose of its creation." This brought me back to my childhood when I wanted to open up a restaurant or when I thought I would be a millionaire. Both of those things I really hoped for but I never made a plan to achieve it. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to plan better for life. That's about it for the week. I hope you enjoyed what I had to say.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Business class learnings 10-1-16

October 1st, 2016

Week three of classes and business still has the best readings and videos. Each week I talk about the eCorner videos and that is because they interest me the most and I feel I get the most out of them. This week the speaker was Frank Levinson. He had two videos, the first was about loyalty and how you should be loyal and be a good person then you are good in life. His second video was about the ten most important things to a major business. As I just said he listed ten but a few things in that video stuck out to me. Number eight on the list was "too little money" which was weird because why would you want little money when you have a business, the goal of a business is to make a lot of money. What he meant by "too little money" is to act like you have very little money to work with. When you don't have a lot of money, you become more innovative in your ideas than if you were to have money. He went to the example of "Monty Python and The Holy Grail" and how it is one of the most famous movies but they didn't have enough money to buy a horse so they used cocoanuts to make the horse sounds and it became one of the most famous things of the movie. Number six on the list was "Pride of a Fat Baby." Levinson said this because fat babies have no pride and neither should we. As a business owner, you need to do anything you can to keep your business open. Don't turn down weird jobs that you may be asked to do because you are too good for them, it is business you are getting and it will keep you open another day. The last one that stuck out to me was number one, "A Great Partner." I knew you needed a great partner for business but the thing that stuck out to me was that he said you don't want somebody that is exactly like you, you want somebody that compliments you. That was pretty powerful to me so I hope I can learn more things this useful in the weeks to come.