Saturday, October 8, 2016

Fourth Entry 10/8/16

October 8, 2016
Another week of business has gone by and I am still loving it. This week's eCorner video had Tom Kelley talking about Jim Collins' Venn diagram. There are three circles, one says, "good at" the next says, "born to do" and the last says "pay you to do." You one needs to find a balance between all of these things to find a job that they can live off of but enjoy doing it everyday. Around the Venn Diagram is a box that says "who." Who will you work for or work with? You need to be with people you can stand. You don't want to have your dream job, but be surrounded by people you want to punch in the face. I thought that this was pretty cool. Another thing we did this week was writing a book report on the book "The Ministry of Business." Writing it, it brought me back to chapter four and the author says something that I really like. It reads, "For hope without a plan is much like an airplane without an engine: it may look really nice, but until it's airborne, it's not really achieving the true purpose of its creation." This brought me back to my childhood when I wanted to open up a restaurant or when I thought I would be a millionaire. Both of those things I really hoped for but I never made a plan to achieve it. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to plan better for life. That's about it for the week. I hope you enjoyed what I had to say.

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