Saturday, October 15, 2016

Post Five 10/15/16

October 15, 2016

This week has been yet another eventful week of learning. One of the things we read was about a women named Erica Mills. She started a company that sold warm fuzz cards. She didn't know too much about the whole industry and there were people much bigger than her such as Hallmark, but it didn't stop her from trying. This taught me that you don't need to know everything about an industry if you want to be part of it. That is what always scared me and made me not want to start a business but now I realize that you don't need to know everything, it is a learning experience. We also watched this one video about the hero's journey. In it, the thing that stuck out the most to me was he said something about setting limits. Lines we would never cross to succeed and then write a letter to ourselves that we can read if we ever think about crossing it. In the eCorner video this week, the man talked about if we go into the business to become a billionaire, you shouldn't because it only works that way 0.006% of the time. The only reason you should start a business is if you enjoy doing it. I thought that this week had a bunch of cool messages and I hope I can receive as many next week.

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